Visita Ortopedica

Visita Ortopedica

Cardiovascular consultation is the most important aspect of medical treatment. It is an opportunity for patients to discuss about their cardiac problems, current complaints, understand the risks and complications, and to adopt healthy lifestyle habits.

andrea Uccheddu SM
Durata visita:
Circa 30 minuti
Costo stimato del servizio:
€ 140

Specifica per spalla, ginocchio o anca

The heart supplies blood to all organs of the body, nourishes them and provides energy. When your heart refuses to work, anything can become the reason.

Forms a wide range of diagnostic and medical capabilities for the treatment of all types of cardiovascular diseases.

The breadth of knowledge and many years of experience make it possible to quickly and accurately formulate a diagnosis and provide effective treatment – even in complex cardiological cases.

Physician consultation is a good opportunity and you should be prepared for it.

  • Carry all necessary medical records for the discussion. It helps in better understanding your heart condition and avoids repetition of diagnostic tests.
  • Make sure you discuss your past medical history, surgical history, family history, and medications that you are taking.
  • Discuss about your lifestyle habits, dietary habits and also about your profession. Your lifestyle and nature of job may be associated with the risk for cardiac diseases.

Prenota qui

Scegli il servizio:
Controllo Nutrizione
€ 50,00
Prima consulenza nutrizione
€ 120,00
Esame baropodometrico
€ 60,00
Prima Seduta di Chiropratica
€ 90,00
Seduta di Chiropratica
€ 60,00
Perizia Medica Legale
€ 350,00
Valutazione Funzionale
€ 150,00
Visita Fisiatrica di Controllo
€ 60,00
Visita Fisiatrica
€ 80,00
Visita Ortopedica di controllo
€ 90,00
Visita Ortopedica Vertebrale di Controllo
€ 100,00
Visita Sportiva Agonistica
€ 60,00
Visita Ortopedica Vertebrale
€ 150,00
Visita per attività non agonistica
€ 40,00
Consulenza di Psicoterapia
€ 60,00
Visita Ortopedica Pediatrica
€ 110,00
Visita Ortopedica
€ 140,00
Trattamento ai piedi
€ 60,00
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